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Trimis: nguyenbich @ Joi Mai 30, 2024 3:53 am
Beyond Asian Handicap and Over/Under bets, the 1Ś2 bet type is undoubtedly familiar to many. With its straightforward gameplay, you simply choose one of three outcomes: Win, Lose, or Draw, without concerning yourself with scores or handicap ratios set by the bookmakers. Therefore, to help you grasp it better, this article aims to provide detailed insights.
What is Football Betting?
Football betting is the activity of predicting the outcomes of football matches and placing wagers on the results one believes will occur. This practice has been around for quite some time and has officially made its way into Vietnam.
Football betting encompasses hundreds of different types of bets. Each type of bet comes with its own set of rules. Players place wagers on the outcomes they believe to be accurate. Correct predictions lead to winning the bet, with the payout determined by the odds provided.
The odds are set by intermediaries known as bookmakers. The amount of money a player chooses to wager on these bets is not limited. Naturally, if a prediction is correct, the bookmakers are responsible for paying out the winnings to the player. Conversely, if the bet is lost, the bookmakers retain the wagered amount.
What is 1Ś2 Betting?
1Ś2 Betting, also known as European Handicap, is commonly denoted as such on betting boards. It originated in Europe and then spread widely across Asian countries and globally.
In 1Ś2 Betting, players predict which team will win or if both teams will draw. The three main options are:
Option 1: Home Team Option X: Draw Option 2: Away Team
An overall assessment reveals that, compared to Asian Handicap and Over/Under bets, 1Ś2 Betting is simpler as it doesn't demand extensive skills. Particularly, it offers a winning chance of up to 33.33%. Hence, it has become popular not only among experienced bettors but also among novices.
A Beginner’s Guide to Placing 1Ś2 Bets
Fundamentally, the process of reading 1Ś2 odds is quite simple. To understand the odds provided by bookmakers, you first need to comprehend specific symbols, such as:
1: Bet on the home team → Outcome: Home team wins → You win the bet. X: Draw → If you bet on a draw → Outcome: Draw → You win the bet. 2: Bet on the away team → Outcome: Away team wins → You win the bet. 1H.1Ś2: Applies to the first half only, considering results within the first half of the match. FT.1Ś2: Applies to the full match, including the official 90 minutes of play.
1Ś2 odds are straightforward to read as they include specific symbol indicators.
Once you've grasped the meanings of the symbols in 1Ś2 Betting, you only need to gather data about the two teams and make decisions on betting similar to other bet types such as 1/4 handicap or 2.25 bets.
Specific Example of 1Ś2 Betting and Key Points to Note
For instance, in a crucial English Premier League match between Chelsea and Manchester United, the bookmaker's 1Ś2 odds are displayed as 2.10, 3.10, 3.75, respectively:
If a player bets on Chelsea (1) with $100, the bookmaker will pay out $210 if Chelsea wins ($100 * 2.10). If a player bets on a draw (X) with $100, the bookmaker will pay out $310 if the match ends in a draw ($100 * 3.10). If a player bets on Manchester United (2) with $100, the bookmaker will pay out $375 if Manchester United wins ($100 * 3.75).
Expert Tips for 1Ś2 Betting Success
Based on extensive expertise, mastering any sports betting type requires a clear understanding and strategy. Therefore, the following content will help you become an unbeatable betting pro:
Thoroughly Understand Team Data and Performance: This factor plays a crucial role when engaging in betting, not only with 1Ś2 Betting but also with other betting forms. Before starting, spend time researching both teams' information, including starting line-ups, substitutes, goal-scoring abilities, match form, previous tournament win history, etc. Especially, the coaches' tactics are also a factor not to be overlooked. With a clear understanding of both teams, you will surely make accurate betting decisions and earn significant rewards.
Choosing the Right Betting Timing: To enhance your winning chances, focus on placing 1Ś2 bets at the most appropriate time. Based on the experience of most players, you should bet around 3-5 days before the match. At this time, the bookmaker's odds usually remain stable or experience minimal fluctuations, allowing you to maintain control in any situation. Most importantly, avoid betting close to the match start time, as it may increase the risk and complicate the evaluation and selection of bets.
Knowing When to Stop: You should recognize when to stop, plan, and manage your personal finances wisely. When you've exhausted your betting funds, whether you win or lose, stopping is extremely important to avoid reckless play, which often leads to failures and can affect your mental state. Especially when your mood is unstable, betting decisions tend to be rushed and lacking in composure. This can lead to mistakes in evaluating bookmaker toolbetting bets and falling into bookmakers' traps.
By now, you should have a good understanding of 1Ś2 Betting and the quickest ways to win. Hopefully, through the information shared above, you can become an unbeatable betting expert.

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